
Amazing Numbers

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Word repetition in the Quran :

Imagine that somebody is writing a book and counting the words ...who can do that else than GOD ?

Human Being  65 times /

Steps of creation :  Soil = 17 , Drop of sperm = 12, Embrio = 6 , A lump of flesh = 3 , Bone = 15 , Flesh = 12

&  17+12+6+3+15+12 =65 times 


The seven skies  = 7 times

the creation of the 7 skies = 7 times

The Word Day (singular)= 365 times

The Word Days (Plural)= 30 times

The Month = 12 times

all the derivatives of the word "day" is used 475 times = 19 x 25

how much the sun revolve around itself within a year ?  25 times
and how many times jesus mentioned in the quran : 25 times
and how many times ADAM mentioned in the quran : 25 times
 to let people see it clear as the sun is clear

how many times does the sun revolve around it is own axis in a  meton cycle?  475 times = 19 x 25

the word month  used  12 times
the word moon 27 times ( how long does the moon's ecliptic cycle take?  27 day

-The word Life was repeated 145 times / Death repeated 145 times

- The word Righteousness 167 / Evil 167

- Life of this world 115 / Hereafter(life to come) 115 -

 Angles 88 / Devil 88

- Guidance 79 / Mercy 79

- Tribulation 102 / Patience 102

- Peace 50 / Good and pure 50

- Manifest (open in speech ) 16 / Publicness 16

- Iblis 11 / Refuge with God 11

- Merciful 114 twice the word Gracious 57

- Forgiveness 234 (2 x 117 ) twice the word Reward 117

- Righteous 6 twice the word Wicked 3

- Relief 36 , 3 times Difficulty 12

- They said 332 / Say 332

- Man (singular) 24 / Woman (singular ) 24

- Misfortune 75 / Gratitude (grateful) 75

Faith = 25 times  / Infidelity = 25 times

Zakah ( charity) 32 times / Blessing = 32 times


The sea  and the land  repeated in a great percentage of  71% for the sea and 29 for the land ... which is the same percentage which we know about it now .