
The Problematic Fried Liver

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The Fried Liver is an opening that is played at all the levels of chess. Popular for over two centuries, it is one of the most popular openings ever, especially at the amatuer level.

Ways for black to counter this (most notably the move 6...Na5, which avoids the Fried Liver altogether) have given white problems. But it seems that whenever someone plays the move 6...Nxd5, accidents seem to happen...

The game I am about to show you is quite famous and made all the headlines after it was played. GM Alexey Shirov is known for his explosive style, and he is never scared away from sharp opening lines. One could say that Shirov and The Fried Liver go hand in hand. And indeed, Shirov created a brilliancy...

Quite a magnificent way to show that the Fried Liver, though a romantic opening, remains sound even in this modern computer era.

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