
My chess personality is a surgeon

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Surgeons are tricky, practical players who use positional play to fight for a win in all positions. They don't usually gain big advantages early in the game, and sometimes even get worse positions; but the Surgeon is clever and knows how to fight. With great nerves and calculating ability, a Surgeon will uncover every hidden resource available to bring the game to a favorable conclusion.

Emanuel Lasker is a Surgeon

Emanuel LaskerEmanuel Lasker (1868-1941), the second world champion, was one of the most successful Surgeons. The longest reigning world champion (27 years), Lasker's style was mysterious to his contemporaries. He was described as having a "psychological" style of play, which confused his opponents. But in fact he was simply ahead of them in his understanding of the dynamics of chess. Lasker understood how to create counterplay, how to change the theater of battle when one part of the board was weak, and how to transform advantages. His defensive and endgame technique were the key to his great results.