
Chess idea for your Town

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Any visitor who is visiting a large city can usually find chess activity at the local park. However, small towns don’t have such areas. You can point them in the right direction by developing a chess information brochure and posting it at your local tourist welcome kiosk, central library or bookstore or Chamber of Commerce or City Hall.

In the brochure you can mention the location and time of play of your chess group and phone numbers.

Also, many tourist players would like to play now. You can provide a service by having a network of local chess volunteers that are available for immediate over the board play.

An added idea is to promote chess at your local senior center, you don't have to be a senior to start a chess group at the senior center.

And finally, you can provide an extra service for those players who are looking for a personal chess coach. If you don’t have time to coach them, you can direct them to someone who will.