Chess is the best sport ever!

Chess is the best sport ever!

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I had to write an essay for homework, so of course I wrote one chess.


Chess is the best sport because, it is a most enjoyable game, it is inexpensive, and it improves your thinking skills in life.

 Chess is very enjoyable game, in fact on a a list titled “The Best Board Games of All Time”, Chess is ranked number seven with 8,000+ votes. And ranked number one on the “Best Strategy Games”.  People have been playing chess for thousands of years, a boring game could have never gone on that long and still be going strong. the most popular chess website for online chess play, it has 100k+ player online at any given moment, and millions of chess games played a day. With a few million games played in less than a day on a single chess website it’s impossible to say that not many people enjoy chess.


Chess is also inexpensive unlike some other sports. The average cost of a privet soccer coach is $55 to as much as $130 dollars an hour. While the average cost for a chess coach is only $20 to $30 dollars per hour that may even include FIDE and ever a few International Masters level players. For training from a Grand Master, the cost is usually $50 through $60 dollars an hour, still less than most soccer coaches! And even to be trained by a top-level GM the cost only about $100 dollars an hour! Chess has more books written about it than any other game or sport so you can easily study chess from a library book or a cheap chess book from a book store.  



Chess can improve your thinking skills not only in chess, but also in life.

“The game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions, for life is a kind of chess.” -Benjamin Franklin

What Benjamin Franklin said was true, many studies have concluded that much is to gain from playing chess, chess Grand Masters have more activity in their frontal and parietal parts of the brain, those areas of the brain are used mostly for problem solving and recognition.  Children who took chess classes for 18 weeks had higher IQs afterward. Chess is so good for learning that the leaders of education in Armenia made chess a required school subject, the education minister Armen Ashotyan said "Chess develops various skills - leadership capacities, decision-making, strategic planning, logical thinking and responsibility," he went on to say. "The future of the world depends on such creative leaders who have the capacity to make the right decisions."

Also, an education leader in Armenia Ruben Aghuzumstyan claimed that preliminary results show that children who play chess score better in certain personality traits such as individuality, creative thinking, reflexes and comparative analysis. According to chess can prevent or at least slow down symptoms of Altimzsers, because it improves your memory thus countering altimzsers.

In conclusion, how could a sport that is fun, inexpensive, and good for your health not be the best sport ever!?

Sources (not in any order);,,,,,,,,,