May Blitz and Memes
The horror...the horror...

May Blitz and Memes

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Everything in the universe is either a potato or not a potato.

- Unknown Redditor

Hello, my fellow non-potatoes, and welcome to another edition of Blitz and Memes. If you're a fan of puzzles taken from amateur online blitz tournaments, then you have come to the right place, because that is what I do.

As always, the tactics have been selected from the Japan Chess Federation's monthly blitz tournament: TGIF Blitz. The tourney takes place on the 3rd Friday of every month, 21:00 JST, right here on It consists of seven rounds of blitz, with a time control of 3+2; and is open to all JCF club members.

The memes on the other hand, were gathered from the infinite corners of the InterWebs...

This month's collection of puzzles showcases the sublime attacking abilities of 2 FIDE Masters and 2 International Masters, so it will be no easy feat to replicate their prowess by getting all 5 puzzles correct on the first attempt, good luck trying though...

So, without further ado, let's get to the Blitz and Memes.

And thus began man's fall from Grace...

Pins Up, Forks Down

Our first tactic is taken from the 3rd round battle between FM drsljones and IM rnanjo. The International Master, playing Black, can make use of a pin which eventually leads to winning material through a fork.

The g3-pawn is up for grabs because of the pin, but what to do after that?

Go in peace, good sir.

Light Squares, Heavy Pieces

Another one from the International Master, this time in the 4th round. IM rnanjo playing White, can make use of Black's light square weaknesses to win material.

If you listen carefully you can hear this move coming...

There is something wrong with people who play the Bowdler Attack...

Take, Sac, and Check

In the 2nd round FM drsljones, playing White, can take advantage of Black's loose pieces to bring things to an early conclusion.

Can you take advantage of Black's poor piece coordination?

GG and goodbye...

               Promotional Threat
In the fifth round we had a clash of the Titans, with two IMs squaring off. IM nekochabo, playing White, is threatening to promote the pawn on f7, but the bishop on c4 is also under threat...decisions, decisions. 
Does White's threat trump Black's threat?

...think for a really long time...Blunder...

First the Appetizer, Then the Main Course
In the 4th round another clash of Titans with, FM Sniper_Boy vs IM nekochabo. The International Master playing Black was able to unleash a devastating attack.
Hint: this is a hard one, take your time...and good luck.

And that was it, that was May Blitz and Memes.
Congratulations to IM nekochabo for winning with a perfect 7/7 score, and congrats to you incredible few puzzle solvers who completed these tactics with a perfect 5/5 are the real MVPs.
As always thanks for reading, and feel free to share these puzzles with your friends down at the library or potato farm.
Cheers, SheldonOfOsaka.

P.S. I have finally joined X (formerly Twitter), please follow me,


If you're into that kind of thing....

The Osaka Panther Opening (Peanut Butter Sandwich Variation)