
LANSIL Cup - Quarterfinals Team Tourney

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Last night I played my first round in the LANSIL Cup - this is separate from the LMD League that we participated in before and I only managed a draw against a 1660 in the first round with a crushing position.
My opponent was a 110 ECF, around 1550 FIDE, although he didn't play like it.  I spent much of the game trying to improve a single knight while my opponent missed chances to grab space on the queenside.
I was very interested to see that despite being up the exchange, the computer still said that I was in a worse position - what's your opinion?
I should mention that our team went 4-0 on all 4 boards, a great starting point!  Props to Kshitij, Dan, and Nikola on well played games - you can see a Stonewall Dutch (Stonewalls are boring :D) played by Dan here: