How to Minority Attack || Chess Plan Every Beginner Needs to Know!

How to Minority Attack || Chess Plan Every Beginner Needs to Know!

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Too many people come to me asking me what type of plan they should go for in a chess game, and show me a game that they recently played in which they said there was nothing in the position to help them find a plan!

Now, that's just rubbish. Every position has a plan. Even in completely equal positions where the pawn chains are identical! But that's not today's topic. Today's topic is on minority attacks in chess, and when to use them as the plan to help us win the game.

First off, what is a minority attack. Let me demonstrate with a picture.

Minority attacks occur when you use the pawns where you have less pawns as a means to disrupt the coordination of your opponent's nice pawn chain. In the above situation, white's pawn minority attack would occur on the queenside as he/she only has 2 pawns there while black has 3.

The purpose of a minority attack is simple. We try to destroy the nice pawn chain that black has on the queenside with moves like a4., b4, and the eventual pawn break b5. Like this!

What does this do? It forces black to do one of three things. 
1. Capture
2. Do nothing
3. Push
In the above position, obviously, is pawn pushes, it's a free pawn and if our opponent gives us a free pawn, our minority attack is already successful (the purpose of a minority attack is to either win material, create weaknesses, or get a passed pawn)! 
If black decides to play Rc8, then we can capture the pawn, allowing black's pawn structure to be ruined (To learn how to take advantage of this, the video goes more in depth).
If black decides to capture, then the a file becomes an semi-open file for us to attack as well (To learn how to take advantage of this, the video again, goes more in depth).

In the video below, I show you all how to perfectly execute a Minority attack with more pieces on the board and show you how easily it is to do one!
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