My Big Fat Chess Quiz Answers

My Big Fat Chess Quiz Answers

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Answers to my Big Fat Chess Quiz are below.  Too hard or too easy?  Let me know!

  1. The 5 original chess grandmasters were Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Tarrasch and Marshall.
  2. FIDE is the world governing body for chess and it stands for Federation Internationale des Echecs.
  3. Kasparov achieved the highest Elo chess rating ever - 2851.
  4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (through his famous character Sherlock Holmes) wrote that "excellence at chess is one mark of a scheming mind"
  5. Jonathan Speelman.
  6. Bullet chess is the name given to 1-minute chess games (but it sometimes describes any time control quicker than blitz (5min).
  7. The beautiful lady was Aruna Anand, wife of Vishy Anand, the World Chess Champion.
  8. The official who overseas a chess match is called an Arbiter.
  9. The en-passant rule was introduced in 1490.
  10. Ben Franklin's famous writings on chess were called 'The Morals of Chess'.
  11. You are not allowed to write your moves down before you play them.  The only exception is if you are about to claim a draw by 3-fold repetition.
  12. The Abracadabra Opening does NOT exist.  Believe it or not, there ARE openings called the Frankenstein-Dracula variation, The Monkey's Bum and The Orangutan.
  13. The first official World Chess Champion was Wilhelm Steinitz
  14. 'Underpromotion' means promoting a pawn to any piece other than a Queen.
  15. The symbols !? after a move are normally used to denote an 'interesting' move.
  16. A kibitzer is a spectator to a chess game who makes comments (usually unwanted!) about the game.
  17. Judit Polgar's children are called Oliver and Hanna.
  18. Ruy Lopez was a priest.
  19. The Immortal Game and the Evergreen Game were played by Adolf Anderssen.
  20. The picture is of chess enthusiast and author of "King's Gambit: A Son, A Father, and the World's most dangerous game", Paul Hoffman.  His blog is here.