Player Dominance Index, post-World Championship edition. Carlsen closing in on Alekhine

Player Dominance Index, post-World Championship edition. Carlsen closing in on Alekhine

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So, the over-the-board chess is back, the World Championship has ended, and the time is ripe to calculate the new update of the Player Dominance Index (the previous version is available here).

The index shows the points percentage against an elite field of players, according to personal classical score data from The rules of admission are as follows:

  • Everyone who played in a World Championship match or match tournament;
  • Everyone who made it to Top 8 of Candidates' Tournament, matches or FIDE Knockout championships (Alireza Firouzja and Jan-Krzysztof Duda, who qualified for a 8-player Candidates' Tournament 2022, are included);
  • Participants of St. Petersburg 1895 and 1914, New York 1924, and AVRO 1938;
  • Everyone who don't qualify by above criteria, but have peak rating above 2800 (there are no wild cards in this edition).

WC - World Champion
WCC - World Championship Candidate
WCT - World Championship tournament participant
FKC - FIDE Knockout Champion
FKCC - FIDE Knockout Championship finalist

Deceased players are greyed out.