"Grandmaster Gambit: Strategies for Facing the Best"

"Grandmaster Gambit: Strategies for Facing the Best"

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Recently, I followed my countryman, GM Velimir Ivic, GM Velimir Ivic (DrVelja) - Chess Profile - on and watched him play some great chess in Division I. Division I - All the Information -

In this blog, I would like to highlight exciting moments from his matches against Fabiano Caruana and Maxim Vachier Lagrave, both of which he won. This result earned him a spot in the match against Carlsen, which he lost after putting up a good fight.

Let's delve into the games!

Now let's review the game where Ivic had a slightly worse position against MVL with the black pieces. MVL played an almost perfect game, but Ivic had a miraculous save that he missed!

I am completely sure that Ivic will continue to play at such a high level in the future!

Quick information:

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See you on the chessboard! :)

Grandmaster and Fide coach

Nikola Nestorovic