GableGirl's Book Blog - Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim
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GableGirl's Book Blog - Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim

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Hi! I'm @Sunshine_Inferno, and welcome to my book blog! The first book I will be reviewing is Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this review!

My rating: 


5 stars

A princess in exile. Six enchanted cranes. And an unspeakable curse.

Six Crimson Cranes is a whimsical tale based in an East Asian-inspired fantastical world where magic is forbidden and feared. Princess Shiori'anma, or Shiori, is a sixteen-year-old girl who has that rare gift. With the help of her dragon friend Seryu, she learns how to skillfully use and control her gift, which she has used to bring Kiki, an enchanted paper crane, to life. 

When Shiori and her six brothers are cursed by their stepmother, Raikama (or The Nameless Queen), they are sent away from the palace of the kingdom Kiata, Shiori's brothers turned into cranes, and Shiori unable to speak lest her brothers' deaths.

To reclaim the throne, Shiori will have to untangle a mystery of knotted-up red silk, including a secret traitor, her six brothers, and Takkan, the boy she fought so hard not to marry.

My Thoughts

I loved the character development of this book, particularly in Shiori, as she goes from a young and chaotic troublemaker to a more serious seventeen-year-old in the aftermath of her curse, with just a hint of her former mischief.

The world building was amazing, and I loved the kingdom of Kiata. 

Elizabeth Lim's writing is descriptive and beautiful, with a lovely touch of purple prose here and there 💜.

Kiki was such a great character and I would love to see more of her.

That's all for today, but thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them!

