Tactics : Discovered Attack

Tactics : Discovered Attack

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In chess, there are different tactical motifs such as interference, double attack, forks, back rank mate, removing the guard, clearance....

In this post, I will talk about discovered attacks. The most frequent type of discovered attack is the discovered check. Look at this simple example from The Petrov Defence :

Puzzle 1 :
Evaluate this position, black to move( The right evaluation will be at the end of the post) :
Puzzle 2 :
Puzzle 3:

Puzzle 4:
Puzzle 5 :
Puzzle 6 :
Puzzle 7 :

Puzzle 8 :
Puzzle 9 :
Puzzle 10 :
Puzzle 12:
Puzzle 13: 
Answer to puzzle # 2 :
Please write in the comments which puzzle was the hardest happy.png wink.png