How To Crush The Sicilian In 3 Check: 4. d5 Part 1 (9. Qb4+)

How To Crush The Sicilian In 3 Check: 4. d5 Part 1 (9. Qb4+)

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My first 5 blog posts in this series will focus on 4.d5 lines because that is by far the most common 4th move by Black in the Sicilian and there is a lot to cover. I will start with 9. Qb4+ lines. You should reach these positions fairly frequently because all of Black's moves are very natural.

Plans and ideas:

  • Push your pawn to e5 to support Nd6+ in the future.
  • Play actively in the center after going for the Knight check on d6. Don't give Black time to successfully advance in the center.
  • Put your light squared Bishop on d3 to prevent Black from castling Kingside due to the threat of Bxh7+.
  • Allow Black's Queen to check on b4 because in exchange you will get rapid development.
  • Always be on the lookout for deflection tactics to get checks.
  • You can usually afford to sacrifice multiple pieces for a 2nd check or to maintain the initiative in this opening due to the vulnerability of Black's King. You should have enough resources in reserve to get a third check.
  • Always focus on creating threats towards Black's King. The initiative is very important so try to avoid playing passive moves whenever possible.