Can't Stop Won't Stop! New Peak! + Nescafé Frappe Attack Games Annotated Analysis!

Can't Stop Won't Stop! New Peak! + Nescafé Frappe Attack Games Annotated Analysis!

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Call it lazy but I'm using the youtube thumbnail for the blog! Peak laziness. Or as I like to call it being efficient and using the resources you've already prepared instead of wasting time! My fellow enjoyers welcome to another one of my blogs! 

Today is another day in chess history. As some of you know who have followed me for awhile I've struggled ever since getting past 1900 with making progress. I got to 2k took me awhile after that to get to 2100. Now unlike my compatriots some of whom got a good rating and then left making sure they kept it... The urge to compete to show who's who fires me up and the pit in my stomach is almost never ending. The coal never runs out and my desire to take out Kingdom's that are represented so eloquently upon 64 squares hasn't yet quelled!

I just recently got back to 2100, and I have witnesses that I mentioned maybe not playing rated again for awhile. I mentioned this on the discord server. To be fair those who trusted my dear words and felt my struggle (as the grind truly is exhausting for very limited practical reward at least in the day to day sense.) It would be like listening to your grandma telling you she wasn't gonna touch another Mcdonald's coke she longed for... Just water from here on out. While her eyes showed you her countless wonder towards their special blend. Maybe perhaps another analogy would be if you were on a date with a girl named Karen and she promised you that she was just going to calmly ask them to correct her order without yelling for the manager... To be young and that naive!

In the video above I go through recent games, mostly draws and wins to show the games that have got me to my new peak. I think especially at these higher levels it's important to even celebrate the smaller wins. Sure this isn't the bombastic 2200 post that oh how I long for! For context my previous peak was 2128, though after achieving it I quickly went on a major tilt where I dropped all the way back down to 2030! It took a lot of hard work and perseverance but in the middle of sleepless nights I would lay waste to the kingdoms that came before me! Those Sicilian players would be rattled by my Mora's! The King's pawn players trembling before the center counter! Oh how joyous it was to slowly climb back up and reclaim my spot as the worst 2100. Though There is still much competition and if I want to be the worst any rating I must keep climbing, through rain or snow. I can't promise that I won't just fall back down the mountain, but I've been working on making steady progress and excited to share that progress with all of you!

My openings at least in my initial videos have been pretty consistent. And I hope that the lower rated among you might learn a thing or two! Any suggestions for how I should structure these types of videos are welcome. Though I promise no matter what life has coming my way I'm going to try to be more consistent with my uploads on this new channel than I have been for any channel before. Honestly I've enjoyed making these recorded videos more than I have the live-streams I've done in the past, simply because the live streaming can be hit or miss! I might record some long games in the future too. 

Back in my old blogs I would far more often Simply notate the games and comment my thoughts after. To those who prefer my old blogs, I probably won't cover any of the practice games I played today, but I thought I'd do some comment notating for the Benko games I played against @NoxiousBishop666

the first game I got into a little bit of trouble I suspected that Nh5 might be a bad move but really not playing g5 was my biggest mistake, though g5 if you haven't seen it before is maybe not the most human.

As these were practice games for my opponent who hadn't played this before he was confusing ideas and also they were suffering from covid! Send thoughts and prayers their way I'm sure they'll be fine but it is hard to play when you're sick! I've also been a little bit sick too though with something far less nasty, now we'll go to the final game.

All games I played I was black in the final stretch of this article! I just thought throwing it back with some classic annotated comments would be a fun way to reward the people who specifically read the blog! I'm using the blog feature on to of course promote this new channel so I can't promise all my blogs related to the channel will include exclusive content like this but I thought it was a nice way to reward those of you who enjoy reading!

Some of you might not know this but one of my other passions ive had far longer than I've been into chess is writing. But I'm not nearly as fluent in my native language as I am chess! I hope you all enjoyed this article, thank you for giving me your time tell me what you think of the Benko and your rating goals! -Nightlen