My Bloody Self

My Bloody Self

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You must know, if you read this blog, what I explain to you about myself on my profile.  Well, I am posting this because I am starting this simple thing out of... hmm, yes, boredom.  There is not much to do on this, compared to my website, but what can you do?  Anyhow, this should be fun.

The first point of confusion for people is the Ukraine label.  No, I am not in Ukraine.  I am in Texas, USA.  I just am a supporter, and am rather tired of my nation.  Please, do not get me into politics on here.  You will save lots of people lots of time and notifications.

The second is my user picture.  It says "TheAlphaBoy7" while my name on here is "TheAlphaBoy77".  Well, this is because I used to be TAB7 but had a clunky profile, so I chucked it out.  And this is the logical following name, I guess.

Anyhow, have fun folks, hope to see y'all around!  Blessings