Chess Computers : The Evolution

Chess Computers : The Evolution

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Chess computers are absolute legends. The history of chess computers started in 1951 when German inventor Dietrich Prinz created the first chess program of any type to run on an actual electronic computer. 

Since then, computers have gone through years of evolution and they became absolutely unbeatable. Computers like Stockfish, Leela Chess Zero aka Lc0, Komodo Dragon, Fat Fritz etc, are some of the most difficult to play and have the potential to beat even World Champions. Stockfish had been the 10 times winner of the Top Chess Engine Championship and is the greatest engine of all time. It is the greatest chess engine with the introduction of Stockfish NNUE 14, the strongest engine so far.

But in 2017, another chess engine was introduced. It's name is AlphaZero. It was built by the Google DeepMind team. It had played 44 million games against itself and was estimated to have an ELO of just below 3500. It had played several games against Stockfish and won many of them. But this was Stockfish 8. If it had gone against Stockfish 14, then it would have lost. This show. But there is one interesting factor about AlphaZero. It loves to sacrifice pawns as it wants the position to be always open. Engines have a tendency to sacrifice pieces, even rooks, in closed positions because it would not be able to play otherwise. Another interesting fact is that it LOVES to reduce the mobility of the opponent pieces, by expanding into there position, and trapping pieces such as Bishops in just one corner.

This proves how much the computers have evolved. Their evolution took chess to a completely different level. This is the end of the blog, hope you liked it.



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