Opening Repertoire:The Vienna Game and Gambit.
Happy 😊 Learning!

Opening Repertoire:The Vienna Game and Gambit.

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Hello fellow guys 👋! 


So, today what's the topic. Well I am starting a new series of blogs called "Opening Repertoire. This blog is part 1.And what I will do in this series? Well, I will teach you guys some Openings that in my opinion are good to know. And today my dear friends, we will discuss the 🎭 The Vienna Game and more specifically the Vienna gambit. So, let's jump right into it. 

Off topic:

Before we go first I would like to thank everyone who viewed my previous blog about @Viih_Sou. It has 2141+ views, my most viewed blog till now. And the spoiler is that Viih_Sou was a real Grandmaster. just misunderstood him. But anyways thank you so much for your supporthappy.png😊!  Now let's get back. 


So, what are the main plans of the Vienna Game and what is it anyway? 

This is the Vienna Game. And the main plan here is to put the knight ♞ on f3 after f4 is played attacking the centre. So, something 

Like this should happen. 

And now what are the variations? There are two main variations that I will show you. For the rest play normal and according to the plan. So, they are:-- 


So first let's look at the first line. 

So, here you can play the main line with Bc4 ♝,  but I suggest you to play the Vienna gambit. And what is it? Well It starts with e4 e5, then Nc3 the Vienna and Nf6 which is the most common move and the we strike in the centre with f4.

Now, what most people play here is a mistake! Yes, and that is...............     exf4?. Because of the following line. 

Now white has a dominant control on the centre. And by the way why Nc3? Because it follows the plan and also stops 🛑 the queen 👑 to come in and check us. And this is the best possible thing to me. But what if they decline? Then as follows---

From here white is comfortable but you obviously need to know the middlegame. But what is the best response for black here. Well, it is d5 striking back. 

So, here I recommend taking the pawn on e5, and then blacks best option it Nxe4 and You have three options but what I recommend is Qf3. This might seem like not following the plan but it is worthed considering. Then if knight takes then take it back with the b-pawn ♟ so that you can build the centre. The other way it maybe fine but I recommend this one.But if they play Kc6 they don't take the knight ♞ but first pin 📍 the knight ♞ on c6. Now if takes then do dxc3.And now the engine line is the following....

But more likely your opponent wouldn't play it.

Now, there are more variations but I am not going to the greater details. Now, so far we seen the Vienna gambit. But what about the other one? Well the other one is this...

Here you should play Bishop ♝ to c4 and now there is one line that l want to share and that is.......:--

Here play Qg4 and now the most popular line is as follows--

The Queen is now trapped!  If not this line then this one can happen...


This was Vienna in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed and I see you in part 2.

bye !👋 
