A Queen sac right in the opening of R1 of the 2023 Daily Chess Championship!

A Queen sac right in the opening of R1 of the 2023 Daily Chess Championship!

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Hey guys, I am proud to be playing in my second daily chess championship! (first one was 2021)....

I got quite an interesting mix of players in my group, with a few time-outers (including an FM), while on the other hand, I am also facing strong players, who are clearly underrated (between 900-1400). I have fortunately not lost any games yet, and hope to finish first in the group, undefeated!

Going on to the games, I had to sac my queen in the opening of a game itself, in a rare Italian line, which I found in 2021, and studied deeply-

I am quite impressed with my opening prep in the game, and clearly shocked my opponent, who I doubt, realized that I was certainly regaining the queen within a couple of moves. The rare line of the Italian indeed is a useful one, to stun your opponent, and I do recommend you try it out. I did miss 10. f4+ which would have been useful before I captured the queen, but I believe that would have not made a significant difference anyway. 

Well, I'll keep you updated on my progress, and I hope I can survive Round 1. 

Thanks, and do wish me good luck!