
Midwest Class. INCLUDING awkward king moves!

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Here are the games that I played in the Midwest Class Tournament during the 10/12/14 weekend. For those of you wanting to the the "awkward move", it is in the first game. 

Game 1 vs. 1630. I played him as Black

Sadly, he was under ten seconds when the game finished, and it ended up in a mate like the position below. Surprisingly, I saw it @ move 29:


Game 1 Fun fact-I beat this guy before





Alright-Game 2

Alright, now that you've seen 2 victories, now it's time for two tough losses...

This first game surprisingly, was from my favorite opening (Italian), yet my opponent was so speedy, he whipped through the lines.

That's all of game three I have for now...I messed up on notation. It finished like this: He was able to keep the pawn I sacced for the attack, eventually forced a queen trade, and he won with the extra pawn in the K+P extra ending.

Well, since you had so much time that you could get through the long game three, I guess you have time for game four. Funny enough, I drew with this opponent before. He got better...

I think my notation is wrong in that game too. That knight is open. Something is wrong...I'll try to clear it up. Sorry!

Wow. I can't believe you had time to go through all four of my games. Thank you for your minutes Tongue Out


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Visconde Silva
Somewhere,Milky Way Galaxy, not