2150 players are not Titans!

2150 players are not Titans!

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Hi guys,

I am studying chess these days and I have improved a lot. I was stuck at 1800-1900 for some time on, but in the last few days, I have been playing at 2100 and I am very happy with my new rating. Maybe I am just running hot, maybe not, only time will tell.

I am 40 years old and may be a little old to improve my chess, but I love chess, so I will continue to study and play. Even if I get stuck at some level, I will still have fun!

Some time ago, when I was rated 1800, I played a game against a 2100 player and felt nervous and afraid. Oh my God! I am playing against a titan!  But 2100 players are not titans; They are just a patzer with some improved tactics, better time management, and more practice.

In the game, the 2150 player missed a simple fork and blundered in a simple pawn ending. See the white's moves at 17 (a simple fork) and 49.Kc8, which would have been a draw, but he played 49.Kg2??? at the end.