Knight Maneuver

Knight Maneuver

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The knight can be one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard due to its unusual movement. Typically, it is looking for squares where it won't be chased away by the opponent's pawns, so-called protected squares or outposts.

Understanding the basics of the knight can help you develop powerful openings in the beginning of the game and set you up for checkmate in the endgame. Due to its short range the knight usually becomes stronger the closer it gets to the center. Let's see some examples on this topic.



If you're ever stuck for a move and don't know what to do next, try looking at the position of your knights. Planning in chess doesn't have to be a grand strategy leading all the way to eventual checkmate. Just setting short-term goals like improving the position of a knight is often the right way to go. If you can maneuver them to a better square in the middle of the board, or to a nice hole near the enemy king, then that could be your plan. 

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