
Double Attack: Discovered Checks Part 2

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Discovered Checks

The Most effective type of discovered attack involves checking the enemy King. This type of Discovered Attack is even stronger if it includes a double attack. Because of the check, the opponent is helpless to prevent the other attacking piece or pawn from devouring its victim. Let's look at a few examples of discovered checks.

DIAGRAM 1. White to play

If we do nothing but count points, the position in Diagram 1 appears to be very good for Black. His Queen (9 points) outguns White's Bishop on a1 (3 points). However, instead of counting points, look carefully at the position. When White attacks the Black Queen with 1.Ne4+, Black can't move his Queen to safety because White's move also unleashes a discovered attack by the White Bishop against the Black King. This discovered check is Black's doom. He must get out of the check with 1... Kg8, where upon White calmly eats the Black Queen with 2.Nxd2. White now has an extra piece and commanding 3-point advantage.

DIAGRAM 2. White to play

Diagram 2 shows another example of a crushing discovered check attack. White plays the kamikaze 1.Bh7+!, checking the Black King and uncovering the Rook, which now threatens the Black Queen. Black would dearly love to take the unprotected White Rook with 1...Qxd1_, but the rules won't let him leave his King in check. Poor Black is forced to play 1..Kxh7, after which 2.Rxd6 picks up the Black Queen and gives White Material advantage.

    By now you probably realize that it is not a good idea to leave your Queen opposite a Rook, no matter how many pieces are between them!

    One of them guiding strategic principles of chess is:

    When you are ahead in material, it is a good idea to make even trades.

Full credit to Yasser Seirawan.

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