The Hardest Chess Moves: Can you spot them?

The Hardest Chess Moves: Can you spot them?

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Welcome to my latest blog post, where we will be exploring some of the most challenging moves this game has to offer. I guarantee that you'll be impressed by the level of skill and brilliance on display in the positions we'll be showcasing. From surprising sacrifices to clever tactical ploys, these moves will test your ability to spot the best move even in seemingly hopeless positions. Here we go, from some easier level to the absolute brilliancy. Whether you are new to chess or an expert, you will be entertained in this blog.
Game 1 - Killer Bishop?

Did you find the move? That was a great move and very hard to find! It is the only move that works! My opponent missed Be4 here and played Bxh7. I then proceeded to capture a seemingly free pawn on h2, attacking his bishop.

In this position, @WWWind19 sacrificed the bishop with Rxd5
This came from my game here , but it was a draw by repeition instead. I found this amazing when I analysed my game, when the brilliant move came out for my opponent. 

Chessboard imageWell played.

Game 2 - Castling for your king to safety
When you learn chess, you are told to castle early as possible. What about a brilliant castling move? 

Game Link over here! Amazing game, and I got 3 brilliant moves (and 7 mistakes).
Chessboard image
The end part was crazy too, as I flagged my opponent out. 
Through this bishop hanging is like a brilliant move generator. 
Game 3 - A sudden BOOOOOOOOM of explosions

En Passant checkmate!! (Almost because bishop block). Did you solve it? Let me know!
Game 4 - A quiet move of pieces

Another bonus puzzle from one of my games

Let me know how these puzzles are! Thanks for trying them. Hope you enjoyed this blog

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