ONE MOVE BLUNDERS IN CHESS (Chess lessons with akinov 3.0)

ONE MOVE BLUNDERS IN CHESS (Chess lessons with akinov 3.0)

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   In this Lesson we look at Blunders and their posible causes , there are games where a player has executed his opening play to come out with a good advantage in the middle game and again transit into a winning end game , but many of those games do not end in victories, sometimes you r opponent gets a draw or a win from a position that you have already sealed as won , most times this is due to ONE MOVE BLUNDERS . the example below is in a game played between the Current Nigerian National Champion  CM Bomo Kigigha and another National Master player Emmanuel M .  CM Bomo played the Black side playing the Qb6 sicilian defence which is quite solid and one of his favourites , he played the opening like a book and the Middlegame like a Magician, his transition into the endgame gave him a huge winning advantage on move 57 after his opponent played Qf1 . the Chess engine CRAFTY 20.14 gives Black a -3.25 advantage here and anything Black plays seems to be winning. it was at this point that Black made a fatal blunder

57....... Qf6??          what are the causes of  one move blunders in chess.  1. Time trouble   2. Over confidence  3.Lack of confidence  4. Distractions 5.Loss of concentration   

there is no hard and fast rule to prevent this in real time OTD tournaments but a few tips will help.  1. always stay calm 2. Ignore distractions 3. always focus on the game and know that it is not over untill it is over 4. when you are tired or feel you are in control you can walk away or look away from the table to refresh   5. Train and be prepared for everything being ready for all kinds of situation is to train your body on maintaining a good balance througout the game, Chess is beyond just mastering the skills  you must be ready to maintain your concentration till the end of the game.