Giveaway ǀ Chess Beatdowns by Honeybadger22 [Book Review]
Book Review ǀ Chess Beatdowns by Honeybadger22

Giveaway ǀ Chess Beatdowns by Honeybadger22 [Book Review]

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Today I share with you a very special review, because in this one I have been in contact with the author of the book that I recommend. Besides being a very interesting concept that probably many of us would like to realize with our own games. (Adding that we will have a Giveaway courtesy of Honeybadger22, with both physical and digital books.)

Many of us who enjoy the world of chess know books like "My 60 Memorable Games" by Bobby Fischer or some other collection of games of another chess champion, but the book that I recommend today, the author is a player of the platform that shows us his own games and how he has gone up the level through them.

This book Chess Beatdowns by @Honeybadger22 is a curated collection of 50 memorable games (in chronological order) that the author played versus competitors from 34 different countries on over several years’ time. It is a very original work, with very entertaining commentaries that can help beginner players to increase their understanding of chess.

The Book

The book begins with a section that will help those who need it to better understand the games and commentaries. Initially it introduces the Chess Notation and Symbols, a small glossary of typical chess terms and other comments on the format of the book.

It then moves on to the 50 games, alternating diagrams and personal comments that will captivate the reader while learning basic chess concepts.

Algebraic Notation in #Chess
Chess Notation and Symbols

The Games

Game 9 - The Queen’s Gambit

Below I will present one of the games, adding direct comments from the author, so that you can begin to enjoy a little of the content of the book. I imagine that many will recognize the name of this opening.

The following two games are intended to show the different style of play between the first and last games of the book.

Game 5 - An Immortal Checkmate

Honeybadger22 presents this game as: "perhaps the most beautiful and striking checkmate in the entire book."

Game 48 - Brilliant!!

The long awaited "Brilliant!!" from, well deserved without a doubt.

Find the brilliant move by Honeybadger22

The end of the game was as shown below.


Now that we know more about "Chess Beatdowns" the long awaited moment has arrived, the mechanics to win a book will be simple [this section is only for people living in the USA], you only have to write in the comments the reason why you want to win one, Honeybadger22 will choose the 3 that he like the most and they will be the winners.

Comments will be received until July 19, 2021.

For non-U.S. residents:

For shipping reasons, in this case you will be eligible to win one of 3 books in EPUB format. To participate you must share the link of this article through Twitter, tagging @ALopezA984 from where I will be choosing the 3 winners.

The deadline to participate will also be July 19, 2021.

In both cases the winners will be announced on this year's International Chess Day (July 20, 2021).

If you wish to purchase the book you should know that it is available on Amazon and BookDepository (free world-wide shipping to many countries).

For other questions, comments or congratulations, please contact Honeybadger22 here.

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