Agressive Amateur Chess #1: Close to the edge.

Agressive Amateur Chess #1: Close to the edge.

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I started a little over two years ago with a rating around 1300 on, and I'm quite pleased with my progress so far. Recently I started to analyse my own games and I thought I might as well share my work with others.

A lot of players find it very entertaining to see tactical games - and the thing is: I play very agressive chess. I tried a lot of gambits and sacrifices - and I'm always eager to improve on tactics and complications.

So for my first blog post I'm presenting two wins from last year (I guess since everybody loves his ego, I might as well start by showing some wins first). I'd love to get some feedback. What are you're thoughts on my moves?


Alright, enough with the introduction. In both games I could have easily lost, and I was very close to fall - like that tree in the picture.

The first game was a sicilian in the "Kalashnikov-variation". Both sides are attacking each other, and my opponent was quite strong (he won his white game, also he has gained quite some rating and is now 2000+):

I think the computers way to stay in the game only with a queen exchange is some sort of a statement for pawn-sacrifices opposite the enemies king. It proved rather dangerous.


The second game is against my friend Albert who got me into chess. He used to be a strong club player and has trophies all over his wall. I can't remember us not playing a slow paced correspondence game - we always play.
Anyway, the thing is: He prefers closed, quiet positions where he can out-maneuver me, and he has beaten me countless of times this way.
But I just love to pest him with super agressive play, in this game I dare to do this with black.

Leave a comment if you enjoyed the games, and spread the word. I'm not too well known on the website, there will be more games coming.

P.S. Thanks to Merten Ehmig for the Picture.