Ways to improve your play?

Ways to improve your play?

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How to improve your play? I offered this question in my free video lessons course on YouTube nearly 4 years ago. My group rose to be the 2nd largest on Anyway, my theory is if you ask 10 chess masters how to improve you're going to get 10 different, but good answers. Which to pick? I don't know. I do know my videos up on YouTube are helping a lot of players who choose to watch them. I give private instruction every day of the week, I'm quite busy with them.
Every so often I run into a program which catches my eye, because it is good and gets results. So, I'm happy to share a course offered by GM Igor Smirnov. Check it out, all information is below.


Chess players often tell me that they can find the correct moves during home analysis, but they cannot find them during practical game-play. If given enough time, these players can find the best moves. The problem, however, is that in a real game you have to move quickly or else you’ll face time trouble or even lose on time.


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Different chess educational materials provide with various information about chess: rules, principles, ideas and so on.  On one hand, this information can be very useful. Unfortunately, these may make your task even harder because you need to think about so many different things in such a short time frame.




On average, you have only about 3 minutes per move (maybe less). This brings us to my next point. It’s not enough to have basic fundamental chess knowledge. You should know how to apply this knowledge QUICKLY.


As I’m sure you’re aware, strong players know some practical methods of how to do this. In this lesson, I’d like to share some of these methods with you.


1) You should plan to budget your time prior to the beginning of a game.


Maybe this seems obvious to you. If that’s the case, I’ve some questions. For example, how long you should think about every move when you have two hours for a game (or a rapid game or even a blitz game)? Can you give me a concrete answer? J If you’re not sure, let’s think about it together. 


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An average game consists of approximately 40 moves. Of course, it can be much longer or shorter, but we’re talking about an average. Therefore, if you have two hours for a whole game:


120 minutes / 40 moves = 3 minutes per one move


By the way, the standard time control, 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move, gives you an approximately 3 minutes per move, also. So you can easily figure out how long you should think about every single move in a certain game. This is only an approximate rule, but it’s a guideline.


To learn about the other methods to find the best move quickly, please click on the button below to get our FREE course “Quick success in chess”. The course contains powerful practical tips that will help you optimize your chess training and will speed up your progress! J




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