Kasparov All-girls Tournament

Kasparov All-girls Tournament

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Dylan Porth, Yayee Tongsiri, and Carmen Pemsler represented Idaho at the prestigious Kasparov National All-Girls Championships held in Chicago, Illinois this past weekend.  Both Dylan and Yayee are students at Silver Creek High School and competed in the U16 section against 69 girls in their section.  Yayee’s and Dylan’s combined score allowed the Silver Creek High School students an opportunity to earn a large, national trophy.  The competition began last Friday, April 22 and included 6 rounds featuring games that could last up to 3 hours.  Dylan and Yayee also competed in Blitz, or fast chess, and also Bughouse, a team-oriented variation of chess.  Overall, the tournament contained 454 girls, K -12th grade.  Carmen is a senior in Eagle and without her mom’s support, the SCHS students would not have been able to go.  All the girls worked together and created a very memorable experience.  This is a tremendous feat for our little group.