
Non-Folding and Folding Storage Chess Sets

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It is probably the worst feeling in the world for a chess player, when he anticipates to settle down for a good chess game but discovers that some of the pieces are missing and the necessary number of chess pieces to play the favorite game are not available. Getting the same chess pieces is very difficult sometimes and it is an unwanted expense for everyone. To avoid these unwanted expenses, it is important to store your chess pieces in a storage box. There are many types and shapes, qualities of chess sets but it should be always preferred to buy a chess set with a storage box. There are two types of storage chess sets –

  1. Non - Folding chess sets
  2. Folding chess set
  3. Storage Boxes


Non-Folding chess sets – Non-Folding chess sets are the chess sets in which the chess board is non-folding, but there is some space for storage either you get one storage box extra or you get in-built storage box. Chessbazaar offers you a huge range of decorative wooden chess sets with extra storage box that are just so perfect for the decorative set up in your office or home. We also offer magnetic non-folding chess sets. Made of premium wood, these sets are classy and functional. They are equipped with a built-in storage area so you’ll never lose another chess piece again! These are travelling chess sets and you can take them along wherever you want to. Explore Now

Folding chess sets – Folding chess sets are the sets that have folding chess boards. These sets are foldable and are also magnetic. These chess sets are also equipped with built-in storage area for your chess pieces. These sets are also portable which makes it perfect for camping trips, family game nights, picnics, and more! These chess sets have a pull drawer where you can keep your chess pieces with safety. Some sets have built-in special tray of EP foam (Expanded Polyethylene). These trays have individual space for each piece to store the chessmen. These specially designed tray or storage space has individual chessmen inserts made according to its shape and each piece fits into its own space. The pieces fit securely with ease and there is no chance of rattling inside the chess set. Our folding chess sets are sculpted with the finest of workmanship to make it a delicate but fully functional chess box which you will be proud to show off to your competition.Explore Now

Storage boxes - Chessbazaar offers high-quality range of exclusive hand crafted wooden and leather chess storage boxes for chessmen. Wooden chess storage boxes has a green felt inside and the leather chess storage boxes has beige velvet cloth to keep your high quality and valued chessmen scratch free and safe. Furthermore our storage chess sets have a variety of collection to choose to fit different sizes of chess pieces. It is always better to keep your expensive chess pieces safe when you know, you have pets or kids at your place to destroy them. Explore Now

Our classic collection of folding and non-folding chess sets offers you many options according to your need and preferences. These chess sets are also perfect gifts for chess enthusiasts and also ideal for the chess beginners because of their very low prices. Our beautiful Chess boxes or sets will keep your chess pieces stored away safely following your chess games, so you never have to worry about losing your chess pieces and you can easily locate them whenever you are ready to commence battle.

Source: chessbazaar