Become 1% better one day at a time

Become 1% better one day at a time

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For most adult chess players, improving could be perceived as a tough challenge for multiple reasons:⁣

- Lack of time⁣
- Lack of direction⁣
- Lack of clarity⁣

These perceived problems can lead to stagnation, frustration and reinforcing of negative thoughts like:⁣

- I’m too old for this⁣
- I am gonna quit chess⁣
- I am not gifted⁣

My proposal for these perceived problems is to become better by 1% every day.⁣

Which means:⁣

- Learn from disastrous games or⁣
- Solve a challenging puzzle⁣
- Study one game from a master⁣
- Attend to a coaching session and make some notes⁣
- Play a quality game in the right environment where you can maintain focus.⁣

If you are already playing every day or regularly, you can canalize that love for the game to study and grow every day.⁣

You can reach a strong level if you put in the effort and time.