chessnerdbird vs. BradenLaughlin in a Streamer's Deathmatch

chessnerdbird vs. BradenLaughlin in a Streamer's Deathmatch

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On 2/9/2018 at 7pm EST / 4pm PST I will face an opponent that I have yet to beat. Out of the 5 games we have played I have 0 wins, 4 losses, and 1 draw. All the action can be seen at my twitch channel or ChessTV

Okay, 3 of those losses came during the Arena Kings Cash Tournament where I only won 5 of my 26 games. On top of that, none of the losses came during a time control that we are going to be playing during the deathmatch. In fact, we drew the game played in a time control that will be used during the deathmatch. 

I know. I know.

I still don't have a win. 


Well, that is going to make it even better when I crush my opponent in front of all the Twitch and viewers. 

Enough talk about me and how I haven't won a game. Let's talk about the rules, these are adapted from's rules for a deathmatch as well:

  • The match will last a minimum of 3 hours
  • The first 90 minutes will be played with a 5|2 time control.
  • The next 60 minutes will be played with a 3|2 time control.
  • The final 30 minutes will be played with a 1|1 time control. 
  • Scoring is the simple 1 point for a win, 1/2 point for a draw, and no points for a loss.
  • In case of a tie after the 3 hours the players will continue playing 1|1 games and the first player to win will win the entire match (Don't worry folks Braden will be taken down well in advance). 
  • There will be no breaks allowed during the match. The games will be played non-stop. 
  • No mercy will be given for mouse-slips, disconnections, complete domination, etc.
  • Trash talking is allowed and encouraged. Keep it clean and above water. 

Here are the games we have played to this point. I have removed my analysis so as to not give my opponent any insight to my preparation. At my level is that really necessary? No, but why take chances?

If you made it this far.... here is a sneak peak of what the stream will look like. 





My name is David Blackwelder. I started playing tournament chess at the age of 22. I have worked my way from the 1200s to a peak rating of 1843 (December 2021). Those are my United States Chess Federation (USCF) ratings. My short-term goal is to reach a rating of 2000 which will earn me the Expert title. My long-term goal is to get the National Master (NM) title at a rating of 2200. As an adult they say it is near impossible, well I don't believe that. Therefore I am creating blogs and videos to help other adult players improve their chess. Thanks for following me!