Adopting Eve the Elf | Adopting the Holiday Bots Part 2
Eve is my second addition to the family

Adopting Eve the Elf | Adopting the Holiday Bots Part 2

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Yesterday I adopted Powder the Snowman quite convincingly. Today I need to win ten games against Eve the Elf, who is supposedly at the same level as a 1000 rated human. As far as I've seen, computers with ratings don't play like humans of the same rating, so we'll see.

If you haven't seen it, you can check out part one of this challenge here. I'm attempting to adopt all five of the holiday bots, one per day until Christmas Eve. If you want to try it too, the rules are:

  • Play all five holiday bots (it doesn't matter in which order)
  • You only get to play 10 games against each bot.
  • To adopt the bot, you have to win all ten games.
  • If you lose or draw a single game against any bot, you have failed .
  • You can play any or all of these games whenever you want. All fifty in one day, how I'm doing, ten a day, or whatever split you want. But it has to be before Christmas on the 25th
  • No cheating. It would be really easy to. When you're playing against computers, (as far as I know) it does not automatically save your game, and you have to save it to your archive yourself. You could "accidentally" forget to save your losing game and continue your winning streak, so this is all about honor. As far as you know, I could be doing this. You're just going to trust me that I'm not 

I already played two of the games earlier today, but usually I will be playing the games while writing this and inserting them as I go. Let's get started. 

Round 1 (Black)

Captures are a prelude to the attack.

- Eve the Elf after donating a few pieces to me

Thanks for the pieces. They're being used for a good cause.

Round 2 (White)

The most aggressive first move! I love it!

- Eve the Elf on 1. e4

You're showing more understanding than Powder!

Round 3 (White)

I think this is the best way to meet 1. e4!

- Eve the Elf demonstrating her opening knowledge.

You'll learn.

Round 4 (Black)

Whoah! My attack did NOT work out well in that game!

- Eve the Elf after sacrificing a piece for a real (*shocked face*) attack, and then blundering a piece.

I was honestly surprised that she played that sacrifice. I checked and it's called Peresypkin's Sacrifice Variation in the Sveshnikov.  

Eve has actually played rational opening moves, unlike Powder. She played theory! Until, of course, she blunders material .

She says that almost every game.

Round 5 (White)

Hey! I want to attack, not defend!

- Eve the Elf after blundering mate in 2

I want to attack too. If you want to attack you should try attacking? At least keep enough material to attack.

Round 6 (Black)

Hmmm…Can I still attack you even though you got a new queen?

- Eve the Elf with three useless pawns against a queen, bishop and three pawns

That would be a no.

Round 7 (Black)

Now this move I like!

- Eve the Elf on the Sicilian Defense.

I do too. But it still surprises me how you can know opening lines but ignore a hanging knight.

Round 8 (Black)

It will be more difficult for you to defend if you don't have a queen!
- Eve the Elf after trading queens
I'm sorry, I forgot what I'm defending against?
Round 9 (White)
Hello! Even though I act nice, I play naughty attacks!
- Eve the Elf's pickup line
Round 10 (Black for the adoption)
(There was a glitch where Eve had a rook combined with a bishop on c1, and the rook did nothing, just sat there and didn't interact with the other pieces. I reloaded when the game was over to see if it would fix, but I forgot to save the game to my archive and I had to win another one :/. Sad, because I actually hung my queen while firing out moves, but still was ahead in material and won later. That bug was sooo weird...)

Round 10 (Take Two, Black for the adoption)

- Eve the Elf (paraphrased)
At least this time it wasn't me hanging my queen .
My second adoption. I now have a snowman and an elf as children!
Let's call it a day and let Eve get back to preparing presents... Santa is my next victim tomorrow!
Happy holidays!