The Final Challenge: Is Holly Adoptable?
who knows? we're going to find out...

The Final Challenge: Is Holly Adoptable?

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It all comes down to this. I've adopted the first four of the five holiday bots, and now I have to attempt to adopt the final bot: Holly. Mrs. Claus is rated 2000, and has beaten everyone in the North Pole Chess Club. She's apparently never lost...

I'm going to change that. Confidence.

Due to my obvious limitations as a human and Holly's obvious advantages as a computer, I'm considering allowing myself the freedom of using the Opening Explorer in some cases. I don't know... would that be too much? I want this to be a fight between human and machine, not a quick knockout by the machine in the opening, which I'm sure can happen. We'll see.

I took the liberty, only for my match with Holly to play a single warmup game against her. I won't post it here, but all you need to know is that I had a winning position but gave it up and allowed Holly to squeeze a draw. I was up a bishop for a couple of pawns, but my pawns were on the wrong color, my king too far away, my bishop unable to help, and she swooped in to take my remaining pawns, leaving me with a sole bishop, ending it in a draw. I was playing that game at a very, very fast pace, though, so I'm feeling okay about my chances. If I can draw against her playing bullet, I think I can win taking just a little bit more time.

Let's go.

Round 1 (Black)

I have never lost before! You must be a very special player

- Holly after losing our first game

Wow, you've never lost before! You must be a very special player.

OMIGOD that was so close. I was losing for sure in the middlegame. SLOW DOWN

Round 2 (White)

1.Nf3 is a great opening - there are so many possibilities after this move.

- Holly

Finally a bot understands!

That was too easy. No 2000 would fall for that stupid fork trick. Let's see if the rest of the games will be that easy...

Round 3 (Black)

I see that you like direct attacks. Hmmm.

- Holly after every check

That I do. 

That was too easy again. I was trying to get into more crazy territories with the queen sac Qh4+, which after 10. Qf2! (not hxg3 which just loses) Nxf1!? 11. Qxh4 Nxe3 is unclear but very fun for black to play. Although I don't suggest playing this against stronger computers as they will take the material and run.

Round 4 (White)

Ok, I’ve seen this capture before.

- Holly after blundering a fork and 10. exf6

How many times have you fell for this?? At least you let me have a pretty finish... thanks.

I thought about Rh8+ at the end for a while (meaning 30 seconds) because I thought that the computer wouldn't blunder mate, as all of the computers will throw away their army just to delay mate. Not Holly I guess.

Round 5 (White)

Hello Let’s have a great game.

- Holly before the game


Round 6 (Black)


- me

The noise you make after winning a KID game.

Round 7 (White)

The position should be easier with your queen off of the board.

- Holly after capturing my newly created queen

Don't worry, I got another one.

That game should have been 100% lost for me.

Round 8 (Black)

I knew I was playing a strong player, but I didn't know you were this strong!

- Holly after me promoting*


Promoting doesn't make me strong - underpromoting does

I'm getting so close... just two more wins. I CAN DO THIS

Round 9 (White)


Round 10 (Black for the adoption)


- me

YES I did it!

50 games in a row. Five bots. Five adoptions. After my warmup draw against Holly, I thought I wouldn't be able to adopt her. But I just had to go a little more slowly (meaning a few more seconds per move) and she eventually gave the game away. 2000? I'm rated 2000 rapid. Holly is rated 2000. There's no way I, playing against a human 2000 rated player, could adopt them. Conclusion: Holly doesn't show 2000 strength. None of the bots play to their rating, at least compared to humans. Probably not the best comparison.

Holly "fell" for the same e4-e5 fork trick in the KIA twice. I've played the same opening against many 2000s. Not a single one let me fork them, even in blitz or bullet. And if you were wondering, yes, in a few games, I did open the Openings Explorer. Because after all, this was for learning and having fun, and I needed to be able to get through the opening. Most of the time, though, it was unnecessary.

Well, there were some bumps along the road. Piece blunders by me. Almost-losses. But in the end, I managed to adopt the five holiday bots on Christmas Eve. What a way to welcome the holiday.

Tomorrow I'll be playing short best-of-three 3|0 blitz matches against the bots. Can a human play speed chess against a computer? Who knows. But in the meantime, merry Christmas!

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and happy holidays!