Chess Memes for Grand Master Dreams
Always could

Chess Memes for Grand Master Dreams

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There is nothing like some good chess humor. And maybe these are nothing like good chess humor, but here they are anyway. Enjoy!

All memes are my own unless otherwise noted. 

For some reason, the chess meme page I admin has a deep feud between d4 and e4 players (d4 seems to get the worst of it). But d4 was not the imposter...

Better than Naka. Better than MVL. It's ... Dimitris Ladopoulos???

Made this one after the amazing performance by Ladopoulos in the 2020 Puzzle Battle Championship.

This one hurt...

The above was from a real game I played. Sad day...

I hate to tell you this, but...

It doesn't take a cheater to beat you...

Another cheater meme

"The best way to refute a gambit is to accept it." - Steinitz

Of course, I subsequently received many comments about the Blackburn Shilling gambit, but a meme can only be so accurate I guess...

For real though, what is with those guys...

Getting Napoleon Dynamite flashbacks...

For those who doubt, here is the link -

An original by someone else...

....and of course the natural response...

If you don't know Harry are you really a chess player? 

I don't think I've heard Agadmator describe a discovered attach as anything but nasty.

Smith-Morra represent!

I mean, this isn't really a joke, but what an epic quote by Yermolinsky!

Full quote:

"Failure to calculate (and go for it!) a seemingly risky line in a better position could be attributed to fear of blundering. The problem is that the 'safer' move may lead to even greater danger due to increasing complications in the later play. Problems tend to snowball, multiplied by your perception; it seems like all the 'dark forces' of chess rise against you to punish the coward." - The Road to Chess Improvement, GM Alex Yermolinsky"

I hope you enjoyed these! Feel free to spread them around. I hope to have some meme dumps like this on my blog here and there so keep an eye peeled for the next one! Cheers!

Chess memes and maybe some serious content on variants at some point. Enjoy!