Smothered Mate PUZZLES

Smothered Mate PUZZLES

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In chess, a smothered mate is a checkmate delivered by a knight in which the mated king is unable to move because he is surrounded (or smothered) by his own pieces.
The mate is usually seen in a corner of the board, since fewer pieces are needed to surround the king there.
For a smothered mate of this sort to occur in a game, it is usually necessary to sacrifice material to compel pieces to smother the king.

So dears, try to solve these two following chess puzzles, glhappy.png

  • Smothered Mate PUZZLE NR.1
  • WHITE to Move
  • Mate in 3:

There is a one method which is particularly common and involves: check with the knight, then move the knight away to deliver a double check from the queen and knight, then sacrifice the queen to force the rook next to the king, then mate with the knight!

  • Smothered Mate PUZZLE NR.2
  • WHITE to Move
  • Mate in 5:
Hope You have learned something new in chess by solving these two puzzles from above.
See ya in the comment areachesspawn.png

dadoom’s Blog


Blog should be very instructive, in the service of our members around My mission is through an interactive blog to wake up all our sleepy & passive chess players, to find the hidden chess potential in them. My vision is to spread the art of chess to the farmost areas of Chess.comhappy.pngMartina