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Why do people make so many clubs and gossip in them I agree making clubs some people like making clubs, but my point is why do people gossip in them in my last account @ITPDaiksh I had joined 162 clubs . I used to keep getting 60 to 70 notifications if you must have noticed any titled players account, it has just joined the clubs made for him in honour and some clubs where Hikaru and buddies they just chat down there for a while and then they start playing. If you want to increase your rating and not gossip in clubs just do like me write in your private description that I am not joining any more clubs, go to privacy and disable everything so you will not get any invitations of joining clubs then, go to live chess and set a goal like my goal in blitz was to reach 1300 and I have achieved that believe me your rating is gonna go up if it doesn't there is surely some problem in your brain (just being sarcastic) keep doing that you must have heard koshish karne walo ki kabhi har nahi hot so keep trying and if you yet wanna gossip and chat in clubs than gossip is not gonna take you nowhere it will not increase your rating you will have to yourself leave gossiping and focus more on chess.
If you are in 162 clubs like I was then just close your account and make a new one then, just send a friend request to your best friends and try not to show yourself anywhere if you do like I did then go to privacy disable everything as i said before, you will achieve your goal don't forget to make one.
You must have also noticed that my rating is 1300 but I just started my account a week or two before you will show improvement in chess in this fierce lockdown, if you do set some goals and stop gossiping.
Please share my blog to others and I hope after reading my blog you understand that gossiping take's you nowhere and practising takes you to your goal.

please dont forget to see my new blogs