
got crushed by LC0_CPU+some other LC0_CPU games

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accuracy-LC0_CPU: 99.5

accuracy-Daniel Scheidleder: 83

Here the live-video+analysis of this game:

Here is a game (also in the grünfeld-indian-defense_exchange-variation) played on my Computer:

Here is the live-coverage of this game.......(btw. the good analysis is provided above!!! happy.pnghappy.png)
Here are the statistics of this game:


accuracy white: 99.9

accuracy black: 98

I have also let this-Leela_CPU-version play against Stockfish 6 two times. Result: 2-draws

also against Stockfish 230921 it played two games, the other one was a open-spanish and a rather quick draw. In all those games both engines were without opening book or tablebase from the start.

Bellow you see the Network-version used by Leely in all those 6 games:

A little bit of LC0´s history; Quot wikipedia:

The Leela chess Zero project was first announced on on January 9, 2018. This revealed Leela Chess Zero as the open-source, self-learning chess engine it would come to be known as, with a goal of creating a strong chess engine. Within the first few months of training, Leela Chess Zero had already reached the Grandmaster level, surpassing the strength of early releases of Rybka, Stockfish and Komodo, despite evaluating orders of magnitude fewer positions while using MCTS.

In December 2018, the AlphaZero team published a new paper in Science magazine revealing previously undisclosed details of the architecture and training parameters used for AlphaZero. These changes were soon incorporated into Leela Chess Zero and increased both its strength and training efficiency.

The work on Leela chess Zero has informed the similar AobaZero project for shogi.

The engine has been rewritten and carefully iterated upon since its inception, and now runs on multiple backends, allowing it to effectively utilize different types of hardware, both CPU and GPU.

The engine supports the Fischer Random Chess variant, and a network is being trained to test the viability of such a network as of May 2020.