Forcing A Draw

Forcing A Draw

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The common half in Chess is a stalemate - if you don't know, it happens when a player can't move any piece from their team and they must not be in check. Take a look at this example:

As you can see in this example, bk is trapped on the 1st rank because wp is blocking 1d and 1b - it is also protected by wr which is protected by wn. 2d is blocked by wk. But because White moved the other wp to promote, bk can't move anywhere, therefore it is a stalemate. My friend says that stalemates are lucky if you are not winning. Can you solve this puzzle I encountered whilst playing chess online:

How To Avoid It

When you know you are winning and the opposing player doesn't have any other piece to move but their king, always calculate if they have any space left - if they don't, try to move any of your pieces which are trapping the opposing king.

Insufficient Material

Insufficient Material occurs when it is impossible to checkmate for White and Black. The insufficient materials are: King, King and Bishop, King and Knight and King and Two Knights. Here are the examples of these materials:

How To Avoid It

Make sure you don't capture too many pieces as your opponent will also capture your pieces. It can lead to this type of half.


This half (in my opinion) is the best one because you and your opponent both agreed to a half - so nobody wins. For example, White is winning with wbwbwk and Black only has bk. Because White doesn't know how to checkmate with wbwb, they offer a half and Black accepts it.


There are two types of Repetition, starting with the Threefold Repetition - when the same moves are repeated three times, this type of half will occur. The second type of Repetition is The Fifty-Move Rule, it will occur when you have been shuffling your pieces fifty times - the counter will be reset after capturing any piece or moving a pawn.

Tips To Avoid It

For the first one, it is best not to do patterns and do something different rather than just going up and down/left and right. For the second one, it will be crucial to move pawns if possible - otherwise try and capture a piece.

Timeout vs Insufficient Material

This draw is the hardest one to get (in my opinion) because someone has to run out of time and someone else must have insufficient material. It'll be unlucky for the person who's winning but not that much luck for that person who's losing.

How To Avoid It

You must make sure that your opponent will not capture all of your sufficient material in order to win on time. If there's an increment, then you need to rush your moves in order to get your timer appended.

All posts contained in this blog will be related to chess. They may contain tips, games, luck, etc. Some blogs may have Emoticons (like this: wk) for understanding pieces easily.