The Chess Community Needs YOU!

The Chess Community Needs YOU!

| 24 is currently looking for new, engaged volunteer moderators to help inspire the community by sustaining a positive environment while keeping a safe, welcoming and enjoyable site. If you're interested in this, please keep reading!What is the job of a moderator?A moderator will be expected to:
  1. Display exceptional conduct at all times, representing the site
  2. De-escalate any situations which may result in any untoward eventualities
  3. Keep a level head at all times
  4. Avoid being biased/predisposed toward or against any race/religion/sex/gender/etc.
  5. Maintain a healthy atmosphere in, but not limited to, Live Chess games, Public Forums, High Profile Clubs, ChessTV and News/Blog post comment threads.

Am I the right person for this position?If you find yourself regularly helping out around the site, and consider yourself in good standing with peers/other users and/or itself, you could be the person we're looking for! For best results, we ask that you have a respected account which is over a year old. All applicants must be aged 17 or over for consideration.How do I apply?To apply, please fill out the Google Form at The more detailed and clear your answers are, the better we'll be able to judge whether you're the right person for this position. Don't skip any questions, or leave any half-hearted answers! Are there any time commitments I'd need to make?No. We ask that all moderators do an amount of work which they're comfortable with.I'm under the age of 17, but would like to help. What can I do?Keep engaging positively with the community! We appreciate every bit of wholesomeness and community spirit within, and beyond