Round 5 BKK Open Challenger Division: Fighting draw

Round 5 BKK Open Challenger Division: Fighting draw

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My fifth opponent was a friendly gentleman from Nepal. We had a good post match analysis too.

what a game it was! 


The game started out as a Pirc Defence. I maintained to obtain a slight advantage as White in the opening but my opponent succeeded in creating counterplay by mounting threats against my King on the queenside. Overlooking a tactical blunder, I soon fell into a worse position and had to fight for my life. Thankfully I managed to create counterplay of my own in the endgame with a passed a pawn and looked to be winning. Thanks to tactics however, he managed to save the game with a wonderful move (..Rd8!) and it was a forced draw. 


Hope you enjoy the game and commentary.


Round 5 tomorrow pits me as Black against another Thai opponent (my fourth in 6 rounds!)