
World Junior part 2

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The last 5 rounds of the World Junior did not go well for me. I did manage to win against Mark Lapidus, who was rated only 2129, in round 9. But after that I couldn't win any more games. In round 10 I lost with white to GM Alexander Ipatov representing Turkey. He went on to win the tournament. The next round I had a crazy game with black against another strong GM, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan from Armenia. I was chasing his king all around the board but I never had a chance to get more than a draw. I did fine in the time scramble before move 40, but after receiving more time I made a couple of mistakes right away and got a lost position. In the last 2 rounds I got draws. I played poorly in those games, especially the last one.

Here is the game against Ter-Sahakyan, probably the most interesting one I played in the tournament.