Pawn Structure in the Open Game 1. e4 e5 for Beginners
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Pawn Structure in the Open Game 1. e4 e5 for Beginners

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We say that we have an open game of chess when the 2 players start the game with the King's pawn by 2 squares 1. e4 e5. This is the most classic opening in chess and the most familiar to new players (if they have some guidance).

This start is good because the 2 players put a pawn in the center and open lines for Queens and Bishops. Also by playing this opening the new players learn the value of the rapid development of the pieces. This is because after 1. e4 e5, we have to quickly put the Horses on their most active squares (f3, c3, f6, c6) and the Bishops in the game and castle. "Quickly" means with as few moves as possible. The short castle is the fastest and easiest solution for the safety of the King in most openings. A classic way of playing is 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nf6 (4 Knights Opening) and the 2 players are ready to develop the Bishops and castle. 

But let's see in this post how we use the pawns in the Open Game. As we say "pawns are the soul of the game" since they define the context in which the pieces move. The following is the ideal scenario for White (I took off the pieces that can be in various positions, so that we can pay attention to the pawns): 

The 2 White Pawns in the center after the exchange on d4 are an advantage because they give more space to the White pieces and at the same time reduce the space for the Black pieces, like a shield. Another favorable pawn-structure for White is the following: 

Here White has a little more space and can put a Horse on d5 or f5. The important thing in this structure is to block the movement d5 from Black which if played safely equalizes the position. Of course, all these apply to the Black side, if they first manage to achieve the favorable pawn-structure on their account like this: 

Use of the f pawn 

One of the practical tips for young players is not to rush to push the f pawn especially before castling. Each case is different but this advice is valid as the promotion of the f pawn leaves "air" around the King (weakens the diagonals a7-g1 and h4-e1). However, the f pawn can be used in the Open Game to remove the opponent's pawn from the center and make it easy to advance the d pawn. So for example we have the risky King's Gambit 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 (covers the check on h4) and White wants to play d4 and take the whole center.

Have a good time playing Chess!