
Set up attack, and let it happen!

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Now, looking back to my old blog posts, I have annotated my games from a biased standpoint, only pointing out good points about myself.  In this game, I will try to remain objective, but I may not do it perfectly.  Please check out my other blogs, but remember, I am not a master, I am only a beginner at chess, and these posts are from my experiences.


From all those articles I have read, including those of Jeremy Silman and Daniel Naroditsky, I have learned that when attacking, it is important to get as many of your pieces involved in the attack as practical and possible.  I have also learned the importance of pawn storms, in attacks.  This next game I have tried to include all of that, and I feel that I have done it in a somewhat graceful manner...

It was because of a decently coordinated attack and my opponent blundered positionally, allowing me to break through decisively and checkmate his king.  I was able to include all my my pieces practically possible in the attack, make breakthroughs, and had to do so by making sacrifices.  In the end, I gained more than enough compensation for the loss of material and my relatively weak kingside, as I have not annotated.  Instead, I creating a scalding attack.  As you can see, in the middle of the attack, my opponent and I were equal in material, and my attack was still going strong. This shows that material doesn't always matter.  Looking at the game, it seems as if my opponent didn't make too much effort to suppress the attack until it was too late, and in those times when he could have been defending and putting up a fight, he happened to be making seemingly random moves that I could not find explanations for.  In conclusion, I would say that it was thanks to the articles of Daniel Narotidsky and Jeremy Silman.  They really helped, and they contributed to my victory.  Please check out their articles, for, I just summarized a few points from just a few of their many articles.