
Chessimo Training

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I've hit a bit of a rut in my chess progress, sitting around the same level for some time now. To remedy this I've decided to shake up my training schedule and begin doing modules from the Chessimo software religiously, just like my daily CTS training. I'm going to work on both the endgame and strategy module. Hopefully this will be a more efficient way to assimilate patterns and will kick me out of this funk I'm in.

So, as of now my daily training includes:

100 problems on CTS

Chessimo endgame and strategy modules

Go through at least 3 master games, currently I'm working through "Understanding the King's Indian" by Golubev.

I'm also working my way through Silman's Reassess Your Chess workbook but it's slow going as I'm writing all my answers down in a notebook to be reviewed later per Silman's suggestion.