
spring is here in seattle

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hello ,whats up everyone,well spring is here although i cant really tell from all the snow we have been having. and yes it is raining here today but im used to that so no biggie. although there have been quite a few nice days within these past few i am ready for good weather and good news hopefully. my friend with cancer is still trying to get better,and doing ok but could really use soome prayers,so if anyone reads this and prays it would be nice if you could say a little something for my friend Kimberly H. i pray and hope for her to be completely healed one day of it,dont know how long it might take but as long as she gets better.she is in real need of something good to happen with her situation. so on another note baseball season is here again,concerts are rolling around i cant wait for all the excitement to be back again concerts mostly. and this summer HEMPFEST of course woo hooo leagalize that shit lol. ok so i hope all is well with everyone. peace =)