How to play 4 player chess

How to play 4 player chess

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Four-player chess, also known as Four-handed chess or Double Chess, is a variant of chess that allows four players to compete on a single board. The rules are slightly different from traditional chess, but the overall objective remains the same: to checkmate your opponents' kings. Here's a simplified guide on how to play 4-player chess:

  1. Set up a standard chessboard in the center of the playing area.
  2. Each player selects a side of the board and controls the pieces of their chosen color.
  3. The starting position for each player is the same as in traditional chess.


  1. The players take turns moving clockwise.
  2. Each player's objective is to checkmate any of the other three players' kings.
  3. When it is your turn, you can choose to attack any opponent's pieces, but you cannot attack your teammates directly.
  4. You can make alliances or temporary agreements with other players, but these agreements are not binding, and you can break them whenever you want.
  5. The usual chess rules apply for piece movements, captures, and checkmates.
  6. Pawns can promote to any piece, including the captured pieces of the opponents.
  7. If a player's king is checkmated, that player is eliminated from the game, but their pieces remain on the board and can be captured by other players.

Additional Notes:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings and consider the strategies and moves of all three opponents.
  2. It's essential to balance your defense and offense since you have multiple opponents to handle.
  3. Communication with other players can be crucial in forming temporary alliances or defending against a common threat.
  4. Pay attention to the board's dynamics, as capturing an opponent's piece might inadvertently expose your king to attacks from another player.

Remember, Four-player chess can be quite complex and chaotic compared to traditional chess. It may take some time to get used to the new dynamics and develop strategies for this variant. Enjoy the game and have fun experimenting with different tactics!