International Online Chess Festival - FISCA2020
The most popular romanian Chess Festival goes online for the first time in his 23 years history, marking a premiere for the chess world also!
Starting Sunday 09.05.2020, 11 events will be running every day from 16:00 EEST till 22:00 EEST, with types of chess ranging from Standard Chess (90 mins + 30 sec/move) till Bullet (1 mins/game), and from FRChess (960 or Random Chess) to King of the Hill type of chess.
7000 euros in cash prizes, 1000 euro in Diamond Subscriptions and 5 trophies (which will be sent by post office, no matter how far are the winners) are at stake for this unique event in the online chess landscape.
The entire amount left after all the festival expenses will be paid will be used to help the chess career of U12 kids, which can apply with their funding requests to an NGO designated by the organizers no late than 01.07.2020.
Full regulations can be read here (PDF)
You can register by filling the following form
FISCA2020 has 11 events (single tournaments) as you can see in the image below
We have standard chess tournaments for 8 years old, 10 years old and 14 years old kids, and an open tournament with 1000 euro for the winner.
Standard Chess is played simoultaneously on ChessCOM ewith ZOOM and Skype activated. All the players will join a large ZOOM call.
After the standard chess is over, our players may opt-in for the blitz duels, each one with a prize fund of 500 euro in cash and ChessCOM Diamond subscriptions.
FISCA Grand Prix
Should we mention it? Every event counts in FISCA Grand Prix with more than 500 euro to grab for thise chess fighters who exceled in all kinds of chess.
For the kids and side events the prize are detailed below
Prizes for The OPEN -Tournament and FISCA Grand Prix, are presented in the next picture
Every one (with or without FIDE ID) can take part of this festival with just 15 euros (if you are a kid born after 01.0.2006), or 21 euros (if you are a kid in your heart , even you are body is not).
GMs, IMs and WGMs are welcome to join the standard chess tournament, and they will receive a free shot to all blitz events.
But we recommend you to take part to all our events with just 50 euro. In that case, you:
- play 8 chess events,
- play 22 hours of chess,
- have a chance to win some of our prizes,
- have the time of your life
Full regulations can be read here (PDF)
Register through the form above!
Fair-Play measures
FISCA2020 has a team of experts, coordinated by the indian 62nd GM Mishra Swayams, which will scan all the games, and which will fully cooperate with ChessCOM experts, in order ensure a fair environment for all the participants.
Who are the organizers?
Mariana Ionita (FIDE International Organizer) is the Director of The Bucharest Central Chess Club (established in 1977), the oldest and biggest junior chess club in Romania. Cristian Chirila was one of them players.
We are looking further to accomodate you in our virtual rooms, and feel free to contcat us through email, or on our dedicated Facebook Page.