How to control blunders
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How to control blunders

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Have you made blunders? Well, check out this blog, which will help you avoid and control chess mistakes and blunder. 

Avoiding blunders

1. Take at least 5 seconds to before making a move

2.  When getting attacked defend every piece

3. Make sure every piece has another piece of guarding it.

Controlling blunders 

After every opponent, move ask your self 5 questions 

1. What is the threat of my opponent

( is he attacking my king or my other pieces)

2. What happens after the execution of the threat?

(What will happen after the threat is made?. Will it make an impact)

3. May I ignore that threat?

(Can I ignore it and play another move?)

4. Can I make a counter-attack

(can I make another attack on him so he goes back and defends?)

5. If these 5 steps don't work, then just make a simple definite move.

(Play defense mode) 

Have a great day!