
Is there two different styles of Chess being played?

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I have always maintained from my earlier years in the Chess career, spirited on by my team Captain. Mr Goodchild.  The games played, by the higher end players in the 2300 is not the same the same game being played by us mere mortals. The English league system at the time wasn't using the ELO system but it's own so i was like rated 64 and over 100s were the strong people.

 I remember going to Leisure centers in Norwich, Norfolk and various church halls around United Kingdom to play county matches. I played in under rated 100s and over. My older brother who taught me is a strong player.  However, I still could beat him if I played good enough, and I've beaten people that were over rated 100s too. 

  ...and I too watched and attempted to learn from better players masters like Kasparov and Nigel Short. During their face off. (way back when.) However two problems occur, after having learned and studied the Sicilian Nardorf opening,  The people I played against didn't play like masters they played differently which brings the second point not fully understanding the mechanics of the game. Openings sure good, Doesn't really matter if your end game falls to pieces now does it.

 The reason and how I win, also how I lose I don't change how I play regardless whom I'm playing. My style of chess, is "Do or Die" no if's no butts, I learned the game, learned the theories. Then threw the book out. Making me dangerous.

4000+ games played on and I would wager about 3600 are my own Bishop sacrifice opening. I have played it so much against so many people, I know how to make it work and it does work.  If l lose, it is because I messed up.

  This is why I believe masters such as the Host Alex Botez as strong as she is fully deserving of FM. Is easier to play against, They follow the book and stick by the book like the holy grail. Also they are protecting their rating.  Where as to you and me 1300 or 1600 makes no difference. 

I know my game when I sit down for a 3 hour game, a proper game I can easily be in the 1600-1800 however my ratings on bounce from 1200-1500 because I don't budge. My style is unpredictable. where as if a GM plays Cahns defense you straight away know the next 20 moves and thinking about the middle and rushing to the end game.

This is why, players like Andrea, will always be more dangerous,  We've witnessed Andrea beat her sister for various reasons. Alex's rating hasn't changed, she isn't any less stronger and just like my self with my brother. Andrea can beat her sister because her play is spontaneous and unpredictable. That is until corruption of their coach takes effect.

So the next time you come to sit and face against a really stronger player, remember they're more afraid of you. They have more to lose, where you have everything to win and they have no clue what to expect from you, that my friends is power.

Do or Die Down 5 and I force the mate

It's Scrappy - but it works.

It is knowing with out doubt they will mess up, trusting it and following through.

and when you screw up, you screw up with confidence.

because the screw-ups will be ugly

However the most rewarding - People will hate it, master will tell you it's horrible, The analysis will say you blundered. You ignore them all. For feelings like this, After a while you anticipate peoples' responses to your opening, counter and adapt and crush. Luck has nothing to do with it.  If I lose it is because I messed up, If I win it is because you messed up. Such is Chess no?

I have a Youtube channel that aims to teach Beginners chess players to be intimediate players.

I'm 36 and I have over 20 years experience playing, what I will teach you is not going to be what Grand masters will teach you. Infact if a GM did grace one of my games with their opinions. They're properlly tell you it's all crap. 

 But the thing is how we play and how Grand masters play is very different. They play book by book, You don't. You don't even know the book to play by the book. So how can you play by it if you don't even know it?  

A beginner starts off and learns the basics 101 stuff. 

The stuff I teach you, is how to get your teeth wet in blood as you sink your teeth into some people with slightly higher numbers than 1500.